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Old 03-10-2010, 03:49 AM
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banditpowdercoat banditpowdercoat is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: 100 mile hse BC
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banditpowdercoat is on a distinguished road

So, Wife tore whole tank apart, apparently 160lbs of LR is sitting on my living room floor in buckets. 3 fish and a LTA Gone!!! No powerheads, No crabs. and everything was there 2 months ago when I tore down to redo my floor's.

Oh, no powerheads, only a CL, with eggcrate grills on the intakes so they cant get sucked in, and pump has maintained flow, no losses. Overflow is a coast to coast and it's only 6" deep, and visible from front, nothing in there either....

Somethign is REALLLY up here.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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