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Old 03-09-2010, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
I couldn't resist wading in

I like my Iphone, my wife likes her Ipod touch, I would go berserk if apple broke it because I did something I wasn't supposed to (jailbreak it). If I paid money for it, it is my RIGHT to alter it as I see fit.

What really offends me about Apple, is the "cult" that Apple users seem to get sucked into. The Mac vs. PC thread of Doug's was a great example and seems to be very typical of every Mac Vs. PC discussion out there. When pressed for a comment on Mac's, most pc users will probably admit to liking something about them be it the interface the sexy styling or whatever and then come up with their reasons why they like their PC's. Mac users however tend to echo the really misleading commercials and come up with statements like "Windows 3.11 was horrible so buy a mac today" or "Windows 7 will cause your hard drive to explode and set your house on fire, but not before Bill Gates shows up as the Anti-Christ and violates your wife". I almost NEVER hear a reasonable, fact based argument for Mac's from Mac owners, they always descend into rhetoric and pull out the strangest "facts", which is a shame because I think there are some pretty decent reasons to buy a Mac. Not good enough for me to switch but to each his own.
Yes, Steve jobs walks surrounded by the sound of harps and a heavenly glow. Rose petals stream through the air behind him, doves circle about, women swoon, children stare in awe...

Seriously though, not sure which threads you were reading but I think Doug's thread had lots of good information from both sides and little rhetoric (and for the record what rhetoric may have shown up came from both Mac and Windows camps). Plenty of real facts and information were discussed. I suggest you go back and read it.

Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
As for the iPad, I see no use for myself for that device since I don't feel it'd be good to use at school (where I'd use it). I have my Touch currently and it has the same functionality that iPad would have for me (light web surfing, email, wasting time with games during spares, etc..), but is obviously more portable. Taking notes would be extremely tedious and frustrating without a stylus (try typing/drawing a schematic/math formula with a finger or touch keyboard..). None, if any, of my textbooks are available for digital download so can't use it for that either... Many textbooks would not be released this way anyways for the simple reason they are easily $100+ textbooks and digital copies are more easily 'pirated' (and someone will crack the encryption eventually).
I think you are jumping to some conclusions without seeing stuff first. Apple may very well release some way to take notes with a stylus, and various third parties already sell iPhone styluses. And apparenty frozen sausages work too Apple actually has a patent for a way to detect your hand holding a virtual pen and do handwriting recognition so it is possible you may only have to pretend to write with a stylus and the iPad could do handwriting recognition. Granted, that may not happen right away but it is an interesting solution.

Just because your textbooks aren't available digitally right now doesn't mean its not coming. Check out the links here and especially the video in the second link to see some really early concepts in interactive books and textbooks which have advantages over a traditional paper book. Bear in mind these are early concepts and things will improve.

Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
your first one.. no they ARE the double standard.. Ron apple is being targeted because 50% of the lawsuits they launch are unfounded and are launched only to destroy compatition through lenghty court battles that drain there money.. remember PFO trying to take on what you call the "Bogus" pattent.

your answer to point 5 is ok.. but the issue with jail break was more to take your iphone on "other" networks that don't offer iphones. but it is a mute point anyways as in 2011 I believe that you can take your phone with you to any network. Thanks CRC but if Xerox wins its lawsuits it doesn't matter, you won't be able to get a iphone in NA anymore so the networks will drop support for them and then you will be wishing you could jailbreak it.

Point 3, no he wasn't torchered, but the relentless interagation, firing of him and the lawsuit caused hom to comitt suicide.. still something I wouldn't want on my hands but Steveo is ok with it.

as for the pics from microsoft.. doesn't interest me, I think thoes little things are a waist of time. my storm lets me do all junk I need it to do.

Steve, I think you are confusing jailbreaking with unlocking. Two different things. My iPhone is unlocked but not jailbroken. Unlocking let's you use your phone with another cell network by changing SIM cards. Jailbreaking is hacking the OS to allow installation of apps from outside the app store. Jailbreaking BTW has also allowed people to pirate apps onto their phones so Apple's blocking non-approved apps is also a form of copy protection for the developers. Unlocking is completely legitimate and in Europe is required to be available to consumers after 12 months or so IIRC. I think things in Canada are headed that way to as I believe that legislation is coming to allow you to take your phone to another company once your contract is up.

With respect to for Xerox, as I mentioned before, there is no reason for Xerox to block sales of iPhones. That's the standard legal threat and what you ask for in the lawsuit but if Xerox actually does win the patent case then what will happen is Apple and Xerox will settle with Apple paying Xerox a licensing fee on its technology. Xerox is not an Apple competitor and has no interest in stopping iPhone sales. They want money out of Apple.

I also think you are unfairly judging things. How do you know Steve Jobs is okay with somebody committing suicide at his supplier? That is an unfair assumption as you don't know the man and I don't think he made any public statements about it being no big deal. The only official comment from Apple was this:

"We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee, and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death," Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet told CNET on Tuesday. "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect."

As for the main topic of this thread, unless you are a software patent expert or a patent attorney I don't think you can judge whether those lawsuits are frivolous or not. Apple's real target here is Google and its Android operating system. Now given that Google's CEO was likely provided insider details of the iPhone, probably even before it was even publicly announced and then turned around and decided to become a competitor to Apple and the iPhone when Google was not yet an OS or mobile phone company it is quite possible that they did steal ideas from Apple and that they infringe on Apple's patented technology. I think time will tell who is right but the patent suits have to run their course.

So really this boils down to the opinion of Apple haters who think they are wrong to try to enforce their patents and should just magnanimously allow the world to copy their inventions but should submit to the patent lawsuits of everybody else.
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