I recently go into this hobby and bought a tank that had a hair algae issue. In moving the tank, I got rid of 90% of the algae but I want it ALL gone ! I've been leaving the lights off a lot and the water chemistry is much better now so I'm on the road to recovery but I was at Red Coral yesterday and found they RENT their Sea Hare.
Yeah.....that's right, they RENT it.
They devour algae but when it's all gone they tend to starve and can release a nasty toxin when they die. So, they rent him out. $30 and you get a $15 livestock credit when you return it -great deal !
This ugly slug-like thing is actually pretty neat to watch and just mows his (her?) way through algae !! At this rate, I'll be algae free in a few days and I'll be returning slug-o to Red Coral so he can visit someone else's tank to dine.