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Old 03-08-2010, 04:35 AM
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Fragzilla Fragzilla is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 110
Fragzilla is on a distinguished road
Default Aquascaping

Well I got a start on the aquascaping.

It was/is my intention to have the main structure solid and permanent. Most of it was connected using 1/2" acrylic tubing. Each rock was drilled using a
1/2" massonary bit. I was very surprised at how easy it was to drill the rock. FYI - if your going to do this - I bought the cheapest bit ($8.00) I could find at Canadian tire and it was a breeze.

I have a glass bottom at the time but will be going to sand in the near future.

North View

West View

South View

Couple of closet ups

Zoa garden - I'm not finished with this yet - what I see in my mind is not what I see in my tank. Best thing for Zoas for growth is to put them where you want them and don't move! Over the next week I will get it how I want it.

One on my clams

Clowns Buddy

As I already said I am not totaly done but it is a good start.

Next on the list:

1 - finish plumbing

2 - trim the top ledge in maple

3 - build canopy and cover overflow to wall.

4 - think of whats going to be next

One thing about this hobby a person can always find something to work on. Then when you think you have it all complete - time for a bigger tank

So what do you all think?

My 120 build -
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