Just thought I'd save people from the horribleness I sat through watching Shutter Island at the movie theater last night. I have to say I saw at least 7 people walk out half way through the movie, and I wish I was one of them. The acting was ok but the music was awful and the plot was boring and it felt more like sitting through a long documentary of a person in an insane asylum, then watching what I thought was going to be a creepy but cool horror movie. In fact I'm sure a documentary of a person in an insane asylum would of been more interesting and entertaining to watch, because honestly the movie was really that bad

It wasn't just me either, I overheard many of the people (as the exited the theater) talk about what a terrible movie that was.
I just thought I'd share my opinion and try to save others from the pain of sitting through such a bad movie. Needless to say I wish someone who saw it would of warned me.