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Old 03-06-2010, 01:57 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Location: Penticton B.C.
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Leah is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by bvlester View Post
Leah while I am dropping the tank off I maybe able to setup a temp sump so get a pump just in case. and have a bunch of water ready to put in before hand once it is started there is no turning back We will have to conect the plumbing anyways so you don't have water on your floor. I'll find out what size plumbing it has again memory is going with not working and all. So here it is I am leaving in the am after I get up some time will call once I get to Kelowna. Mark did say all plumbing is hidden so things are looking up a bit on this one. I have to check that corner overflow how many holes are drilled 2 or 3 I hope 3 then you have a drain and a emergincy drain and a return. I'll also check on ball velves for you, see if there is any in the plumbing package, there is alot in the bag. I want to go by there anyways and see what else was in the bags that were still floating when I was there.



This would not probably have happened with out all your help!!!!
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