Thanks you guy's and Carmen so much. You are all so amazing and encouraging with all your support. I may stand a chance at pulling it off with your guy's and Carmen's help. Carmen, if your rings constantly... it is me

....going to go garbage can shopping today

...Woo Hoo! Fun stuff.
I am getting excited now.

I have sorta gotten over the initial shock of what have I gotten myself into...but sure it is temporary once I see the tank.

Learning why this is a guy's thing mostly.

He he! No Mark they are all still running.

But I will be selling my 72 soon.

Hey, Mark next Saturday would be a great day to come visit me.

... I have stuff for you still.
Bill, maybe let me know then WHAT all I will need, as I have the water thing under control

but as for anything else well kinda stuck on that part. I can try and sort it all out before you get here.