And yes, I do want their products. Stylish, well designed, well thought out, well integrated, easy to use. Most people want technology that is transparent and just works. That is what Apple provides.
Those are stupid articles without any substance. Apple is doing what any company does which it to protect their intellectual property. If you spend huge amounts of time and money redefining the way people use technology and file patents on that why not sue others copying your work.
Techies may not like them because they feel they should have the freedom to change and fiddle with any part of the technology they want. Most people don't care. They just want it to work. The fact it looks nice doesn't hurt either. Before Apple, computers were pretty much beige boxes. Apple changed all that. Before Mac OS computers used command interfaces and were difficult for the average person to understand and use. Before the iPhone nobody envisioned a multitouch touchscreen smartphone.
Would the Android phones even exist if not for the iPhone? Probably not. And given that Eric Schmidt was on Apple's board of directors for some time it is quite possible he took some of the inside information from his role at Apple to Google. Google is a far more evil company than Apple in my opinion.
So the answer is a hearty YES. I will happily do business with them.