03-06-2010, 01:40 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 3
FS 90 Gal. Complete (Calgary)
Moved to newer and better titled thread.Go here for hardware and here for livestock
Parting it out.
We are located in Strathmore which is 30 min. east of the Calgary city limits.
See pictures below.
Email or PM pilotman@gmail.com.
Equipment:- 90G With Stand and 33G Sump - $220
- Little Giant Return Pump Model 71623216 - $60 - Sold
- Euro-Reef Skimmer - $60 - Sold
- Phos-Ban Reactor - $30 - Sold
- JBJ Auto Top-Off - $50 - Sold
- 2 Hydor 4 Koralias - $20 EA - Sold
- 1 Hydor 3 Koralia - $15 - Sold
- 200w Eheim heater (glass) - $10
- 48" Aquaspacelight - 2x150w MH Double Ended + 48" T5 Retrofit Kit - 2x54W Flourescent With Actinics (Added to Aquaspacelight) - $250
Tons of extras including test kits, salt, refractometer, ph meter, coral food, shrimp, second skimmer, carbon, pumps, etc. If you take it all then I will throw everything in for free otherwise I will list it separately.
Live stock:- About 60lb+ of live rock $4/lb
- Gold Striped Maroon Clown - $10
- Green Mandarinfish - $10
- Coral Beauty - $10
- Blue Tang - $15 - Sold
- Yellow Tang - $15
- Unicorn Tang - $10 - Sold
- Six line wrasse - $8
- Yellowtail Blue Damselfish - Free to good home
- 4 Green Bubble Tip Anemones (Small) - $5 ea. Must buy rock. - Sold
- 2 cleaner shrimps - $10 ea.
- Halloween Hermit - $5
- Sand Sifting Star - $5
- Cleaning crew - Incl. with rock whatever you find.
Corals:- Torch Coral - 2 Heads - $15 - Sold
- Hammer Head - 6 Heads - $30
- Frogspawn - 2 Heads - $10
- 7 Ricordeas (pink and green) - on large pieces of rock. If we can get them off $5 ea - 4 Left
- Blue Zoas - 5 Colonies - $15 per colony - 2 Colonies Left
- Red Zoas - 2 Colonies $15 for all - 1 Colony Left $5
- Green Button Zoas - Incl. with rock
- Green star polyps - $5
- Blue mushrooms - Incl. with rock - Sold
- 4 Hairy mushrooms - $2.50 - 2 Left

Last edited by dthiessen; 03-08-2010 at 04:57 AM.
Reason: Updating Sold Items