Originally Posted by foreveringlass
Thanks for all the wonderful pics! I have to live vicariously through all of you. I am new and have a 44 gallon. The LFS told me it was room enough for the hippo and yellow tang I wanted. After much research I discovered they are not the smartest people at my LFS.  So until I upgrade, Thank you for the pics!
Thank-you for doing research and realizing tangs need a big tank to be happy in.
Originally Posted by saltwaterseahorses
what is the smallest tang you can get?
Originally Posted by kien
I have seen fish stores sell hippo tangs that are the size of a loonie. They don't stay that small for long though!!
Tangs in general will grow pretty big. I don't know what the smallest species is though.. Perhaps one of the mimic tangs?
Kole tangs, Scopas tangs and yellow tangs are the smaller type of tangs and you can find them loonie sized in the store however ones that small have about a 30% chance of living for more then a few weeks. Keep in mind that if you get a small one that lives, within 3-4 months you will need a minimum of a 90g tank for them to live happily in.