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Old 03-05-2010, 05:20 AM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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Originally Posted by 365seasons View Post
I just talked to Kevin at Red Coral and he informed me he would not put a 1 year guarantee on the red&orange seahorses coming in. Would you ship to Airdrie? Also what would be the terms on the 1 year guarantee? I have kept seahorses in the past and am looking to add 2 reds to my tank. If one died would I get one from your stock or from your next order or would I receive my money back? What conditions would apply to this guarantee?
What Kevin decides to do is his option. He may not have the same supplier though too.

I was informed by the breeder, as long as I have the body they will replace it, if we have it in stock we will replace it on the spot. If not, we would have to wait until the next one is avaliable.

Ken - BWA

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