Originally Posted by bauder1986
dude i saw those at home depot right near the main entrance by the light bulb shelf!
Cool Thanks Josh I will check it out on one of my trips back from Calgary this week.
Originally Posted by doobiej
just came across your thread, I like your tank, I just got my 8 foot ( 96Lx22Wx24H ) glass tank up and running a couple weeks ago. took 6 of us to carry it into the house. I am curious to see what you do with yours.
not too many 8 footers around.
That sounds like a sweet tank as well
Originally Posted by Reef_surfer
so i'd just like to point out that knowing grizz's track recored with tanks i would love to be the first one on the buyers list when and if this tank ever goes up for sale... amazing job so far!
Hey I resemble that comment

This tank is a keeper the wife will not let me go bigger. But there might be a another tank build at some point in time for my office.