Thread: Silentciv's 55G
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Old 03-03-2010, 03:07 AM
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Default Silentciv's 55G

Ok, so the 20G has been retired. I needed bigger.. So with a 4ft section of wall near my kitchen seemingly wide open with the little wee 20G.. I decided a 48x18x13 could fit just perfect.. and well it does.

As you can see, the plan, since ive heard of these wonderful colored zoas, kinda turning into evil spreading carpets, I made a island for them, which both allows for easy maintance of the growth, and because it isnt overally high, allows for swiming fish to have a bit more roaming space.

Ill try to keep an update here.. since this tank has been running well over a month now.. and im just posting now.. but growth plans are already in the works

Any ideas, or comments, feel free, I love input!
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