Originally Posted by ReeferMush
Welcome to ReefeMush's 20 Gallon Nano Build. I've been reefkeeping for about half a year and have a 5.5 gallon nano that have been looking to upgrade, so this is a great opportunity!
I think every good build starts with alot of planning and a goal for your tank, so I've done my planning and have an overall goal to be reached.The plan starts with wanting a complete Display Tank with Reef,Inverts,Fish, Refugium and Sump. The goal of this build is to reach a "Critter Paradise" semi inspired by the Lembeh Straight.
So here's the start!!

There are two 1" Bulkhead Drains from the display, one going to the Sump and one to the Refugium. The Refugium also has a 1" Drain Bulkhead, all controled by gate valves.
There are two half inch Return lines from the sump back to the display tank that hang over the rim. A homemade skimmer and the Power Center
I have had some equipment lying around including :
-20 Gallon long Tank inside dimensions 29.5" x 12" x 11.75"h
-5.5 Gallon Refugium Tank
-36" 4xT5 homemade Light Fixture
-12"Coralife Light Fixture
-Seaclone Catch Cup
-Maxi Jet 1200
-50 Watt Heater
-Coralife Mounting Legs
Can't tell for sure but wouldn't you want your refuge to also drain to the skimmer side of your sump? You also might want a baffle between the skimmer and return pump to trap any bubbles. Just some thoughts, but I might be seeing something wrong? Also your left side return doesn't go to the pump it turns into a drain?