I've been running the BioPellets since January, 2 TLF 550 reactors 500mL in each, sponges have been cut in half. Both reactors have a Maxi 1200. I just cannot make all the pellets tumble. Only half of the pellets will tumble and the other half just sits there. Is this fine?
For the time i've had my biopellets, I have slowly taken away the vodka, nitrates and phosphates are @ 0. Excellent polyp extension, clear water, I could not be more impressed with the pellets. Just wondering about the tumbling cause I dont want any type of build up in the reactor. I've tried the full 1L of pellets in one reactor, same result. I've tried a 600 gph, same result. Running out of ideas, maybe I should get a different reactor. Anyone have any suggestions?