Originally Posted by zoaElite
I thought it was industry standard to not provide warranty on live fish due to the uncertainty of the buyer and I'm going to need some details on that warranty if I wish to commit.
Levi, That industry standard needs to be changed. Stores should be held accountable for the livestock they sell out too fast or sick. It should never be considered buyer beware. We in fact have a 72 hour live guarantee for our customers.
Like I said this is a guarantee from the Breeder, and is quite unpresidented. That is why I contacted the wholesaler and breeder on this issue. I have an email confirming the guarantee from our suppliers.
Kevin, The reason that I have been looking for months for these is not because they were not available from this breeder, but we did not know of this breeder until recently. Colors like this were not avaliable from mainstream suppliers that most stores dealt with. When was the last time anyone saw Red seahorses in Canada? The only reason you have this list in your hands is because of my diligence in looking for them in the past months, and willingness to share it with other stores that deal with my wholesaler. When I finally found them I passed the breeders information to the wholesaler that supplied you this list so they would be avaliable to the general public readily. Look lower in the list, it states, "Seahorse Stock - 1 year live guarantee - no discount" in the blue bar. If you do not see this then you are not dealing with the same breeding facility. Also what they have available for sale, is not their total stock, they have many grow tanks running at once.
As for your comment of "poor hobbyist", anyone that knows our store, or has had dealings with us, know we don't just sell our fish to anyone that has a fistful of dollars, we question the customer of their setups, and experience, and match the livestock accordingly. Seahorses are for the advanced hobbists.
I don't know how many customers I have personally turned down because they were not ready for seahorses.
If we notice someone not experienced enough or has a tank not mature enough we don't sell it. It is that simple.
If the odd person slips through the crack or gives us incorrect information or just lies that will all come out when they need them replaced. Replacements will not be immediate unless we have them in stock, otherwise they have to await the next shipment. Most people learn from their mistakes, and if they don't then I will refund the purchase amount. It is not like I would lose anything anyhow, as the livestock will still be replaced regardless.
Not often do we get live guarantee's like this, and it should be utilized by the stores and not kept quiet.
Ken - BWA