Originally Posted by Slick Fork
Something else to consider when we are talking longevity. Upgrading RAM is usually the only thing you can do on a notebook other than the hard drive. If you look here at the apple store
You'll see that the 8gig upgrade is almost $900
Check out memory express for PC RAM
And voila half price RAM! as far as the crappy windows photo editing software goes, you're right on that one... however if you are planning on getting the bamboo pad anyways it comes with Photoshop Elements which I use and am VERY happy with it.
But really only a dumba$$ buys RAM upgrades from Apple

They have been overpriced forever. Macs use standard memory just like PCs and upgrading is pretty staraightforward so it shouldn't cost any more than a RAM upgrade for a PC. I have done all my own RAM upgrades for as long as I can remember. Upgrading the HD is a bit more work but I also just put a 500GB 7200 RPM drive in my Macbook Pro and it was pretty straightforward either then being delicate when opening the computer up to do it. Start by putting the new drive in an external enclosure, connect to the Mac, use disk utility to clone the drive, swap the new drive into the Macbook and the old into the enclosure, reboot the Mac that starts up flawlessly with the new drive and reformat the old drive in the enclosure for a nice portable 200GB drive.
Upgrading RAM is as simple as removing the bottom plate with a screwdriver and installing RAM modules. It's really easy.