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Old 02-26-2010, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Parker View Post
It's funny you should ask that, I have to send the head unit in to be looked at. It went from nice and bright to dim and then to black.

Other then the hiccup with the display I have to say I've been very happy. It does exactly what it's supposed to do without fail, I haven't had one instance where things didn't happen as expected. I haven't had to touch it in a few months.

However there are some things I would change about it if I could. I would match the web interface to the head unit, they differ in how they look and function. For instance, as mentiond I'm having trouble with my display and had to try and adjust the brightness settings via the dispaly, you can't access these menus's from the web interface. I would like to reset the unit back to factory setting to see if that had an affect on display, I can't do that via the web interface, It has to be done on the display unit ( as far as I'm aware )

I wonder if this is an isolated incident or if other users are experiencing this as well.
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