Originally Posted by mr.wilson
The macBook Pro will still be running smoothly and relatively current five years from now. The Toshiba on the other hand will be sitting broken and obsolete on a shelf in your basement
My Mac G4 Tower from 1999 still works flawlessly and pretty damn quick for a 400 MHZ processor. My G5 Tower is from 2005 and I have no reason to update it for a few more years. My 17" MacBook Pro is two years old now, and looks like it will be with me for a few more years.
With a replacement track record of every five years, that's a lot better than I was getting with my old PC's.
That doesn't mean it will run todays software. I have an ancient toshiba "laptop" sitting in my basement, it doesn't even have an optical drive... running windows 95. It fires up just fine, all the programs on it still work, but I don't kid myself into thinking that it is an acceptable alternative to anything unless I have a burning desire to run 15 year old programs. My Iphone has more computing power than that thing.
Any computer, whether it be a mac or pc will cease to be current in 6 months and obsolete in two years. If all you want to do is surf the web then yes your 10 year old G4 tower is just fine. However if that's all your doing a $200 netbook will outperform that and be portable.
Doug: I would absolutely suggest that if the Toshiba is almost half the price then that's the way you should go. Unless you NEED a certain program that only runs on one or the other than go with price and $500 buys a lot of other nice things.