Thread: Telus TV
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Old 02-26-2010, 06:30 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Yup, they just installed the fibre optics system in my neighbourhood & started the new protocol this month. I can run up to 6 TVs now, not 2 and it doesn't affect my internet speed. Getting 11 mbs on my computer & my wife's laptop (wirelessly) as well. The installer even ran an extra long line to my back so if we ever want to hang out on the deck to let Felicia play in the backyard while we watch tv or surf the net, no problem. And more computers using our connection will NOT slow down my internet speed, so I'm happy.

With Shaw, my internet speed fluctuated constantly, depending on time of day (ie. around 3pm it was superslow).

I now have far more channels, excellent HD sports coverage to watch the Olympics, a free PVR, faster internet, wireless internet for Irene, same digital phone service, ability to watch HD tv out back & will still save about $700 this year.

I know that the earlier Telus TV service was crap. They tried to go too fast before their system was fully up to speed & they used crappy contractors who screwed things up & POed alot of customers.

I tested the internet speed & watched Telus TV at a friend's place first before switching. My internet is almost 4 times faster and so I'm a happy camper so far.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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