Originally Posted by fencer
This type of dosing is very hard on softies. It does work. The first sign of a problem polyps( like GSP) will start to disappear. I have a yellow colony and it was close to being wiped out. You are going to need something more rounded out. Ultralith and Zeo are good alternatives. The cost of VSV is about the same cost as an Ultra program. There are other source like vinegar and molasses that are cheaper and as effective as VSV if you want to go with that route
We're taliking about the same thing right? Vodka-Sugar-Vinegar, the Ultralith and Zeo programs are a lot more expensive. The startup cost and maintenance are insanely higher than a bottle of Vodka, some sugar and vinegar. Only thing is the Ultralith and Zeo are more of a "set and forget" than the VSV method. The more I look at the whole scenario, the more I am leaning toward the NP Pellets.