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Old 02-26-2010, 01:23 PM
Brent Shaver Brent Shaver is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Ottawa, On. Canada
Posts: 13
Brent Shaver is on a distinguished road

Thanks all for the warm welcomes, resources, suggestions and over all time to recommend things. As I put in my first responce I am going to have to stick to my 50 for now, we need a bigger place to host anything more. If I had my way I would have a 450 but then I would be (Still wieghing that option..grins)

I am already a member of the OVAS website and plan on joining as a full member as soon as I can get to one of the meetings. As for stores Big Als have been great for my cichlid tank but they dont seem to have reef tanks I would trust. I will be sure to check out all the other options when the time is right, as of right now I need to look into my plumbing and possibly making a new stand to house everything.

I know this is going to be slow as I wont put something in to just get done, I want it right the first time. There is an old saying "There is only 2 ways to do something, Right or Again and again costs money"

I will say there is a fear factor getting into this as the more I read I see people that have experience in this hobby stuggling and losing things all the time. So I am going to wait till I have the best I can build/make to at least help reduce the possiblity of having to write a horror story.

Again thanks for everything and as soon as I have enough information to build my plumbing I will start my journal. And yes I will make sure there is lots of pictures and explainations....

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