FTA is not Dish Network it is different and you can pickup any and all satilites that transmite in the C band or K band. In Winnipeg a friend of mine uses a older Bell dish as they were in the C band. If you change satalites you do hae to download the decoding program for that satilite off the new. FTA is the way to go if you have extra money the better decoder boxes cost a couple hundred theb theres the different LNB's you can buy they cost about 50 each With FTA buy the best you can get.
Telus is alright I have not had any troubles they just charge to much as far as I am concerned. Shaws little Pasive repeater out side your house is just that they use 2 different filter on it a band pass and a digital filter. They use to use a third filter which was also a band pass but was only for the basic chanels.Only shaws basic chanels or analog everything else is digital to the box they are working on changing it so all chanels are digital. The company that I was layed off rom was doing testing for this up grade.
In the end it is all up to the individual customers prefference and how they precive the service they get. In Winnipeg MTS also sack Tel is kicking Shaws but when it come to TV and Telephone but they are different companies one is still goverment owned the other just got into TV faster than Shaw got into Telephone and MTS TV is supierior.
Last edited by bvlester; 02-25-2010 at 11:41 PM.