Originally Posted by sphelps
Not sure on telus but sasktel probably runs a similar system, appears to come through the phone line but I believe it's actually fiber-optics and then cat5 through the home. With current setups in older neighborhoods service is slow but as things get upgraded it's suppose to be way faster than coax cable. They say it's the future but it's still new technology. Not sure how much truth there is to that but that's what the install guys keep saying.
However sasktel sucks! Crappy PVR box, service always crashes, and internet is substantially slower than promised. Cost isn't exactly that great either. Plan on ditching the whole system in the short future. Shaw however isn't much better IMO.
Sask Tel uses a similar system as Telus they are testing the fiber to a active filter at present. Thier system works better than the one Telus is using, Telus was going to go with the same system you can have up to 3 TV's with Sack Tel I believe I'll check on that and up date.