Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Well, I finally got my Telus TV installed today.
My installer works for Telus & is NOT a contractor, so that was a huge plus. He's been doing this for 29 years, so he's very experienced. Great guy, easy to talk to & willing to set up everything the way I wanted it. (ie. now I can run a line out to the deck in the back & watch TV in the summer outside)
Tested the speed & I'm gettin 11 mbs on the high speed internet consistently. Woohoo.
Can't wait to use my free PVR.
I got to watch the Canadians destroy the Russians in High Def, as well as Cdn women win Gold & Silver in Bobsledding & Silver in Speedskating Relay.
Awesome. Very, very happy that I made the switch so far.
I'll still be saving close to $700 over the next year over my Shaw bill.
I now have highspeed wireless internet for my wife and her 11 mbs will NOT slow down my own internet connection.
And after they come disconnect & pick up their equipment, I won't have to deal with those liars at Shaw. This whole situation has really soured me on Shaw.
Can't wait until I can bundle my Telus Mobility & Telus internet/tv/digital phone together & save even more.
Telus has only been doing this version of their TV for the last 8-10 months so he is not as expierionced as you thing. IPTV is a whole new ball game I worked fro MTS in Winnipeg and installed their TV. MTS TV is different and is a better product one reciever can conect as many TV's as you want but you can only watch different programming on 3 for the TV's at the same time wireless removes you do not have to be in the same room to change chanels.
Telus TV can only have 2 boxes working at one time because they work on the ADSL network and have to be hardwired to the router that is installed. When I worked at Telus in Edmonton I was one of the first 7 to start getting the training for Telus TV but the union put a stop to Telus TV. Telus TV could be a better produce if they used the Fiber that us contractors have put in and go with active filters run a net drop to the house and then you could have as many TV's as you want on the system. Telus did this in Edmonton and Calgary back in 1995-2000 then Entwhistle scrapted the project. Apparently there was alot of people that were mad over that as the end product was way better than what Shaw had. I even believe that there was one customer that wanted to buy the system off Telus. Telus said no and it sat. I do believe the headend equipment in Edmonton and Calgary are now being used for the new Telus TV project. Telus borrowed one of theguys That Built the head end in Winnipeg to build one in BC. I wish Telus all the best with this project because it can open alot of technical areas for the future.
Telus statalite is supose to be great and is a better deal than what Bell gives and yes Telus and Bell are teamed up on these projects they signed contracts last year.