Well, I finally got my Telus TV installed today.
My installer works for Telus & is NOT a contractor, so that was a huge plus. He's been doing this for 29 years, so he's very experienced. Great guy, easy to talk to & willing to set up everything the way I wanted it. (ie. now I can run a line out to the deck in the back & watch TV in the summer outside)
Tested the speed & I'm gettin 11 mbs on the high speed internet consistently. Woohoo.
Can't wait to use my free PVR.
I got to watch the Canadians destroy the Russians in High Def, as well as Cdn women win Gold & Silver in Bobsledding & Silver in Speedskating Relay.
Awesome. Very, very happy that I made the switch so far.
I'll still be saving close to $700 over the next year over my Shaw bill.
I now have highspeed wireless internet for my wife and her 11 mbs will NOT slow down my own internet connection.
And after they come disconnect & pick up their equipment, I won't have to deal with those liars at Shaw. This whole situation has really soured me on Shaw.
Can't wait until I can bundle my Telus Mobility & Telus internet/tv/digital phone together & save even more.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!