OK a lot of info to sift through I am sure I will continue to add to this post. Thank you all for responding.
My first piece I will be replacing will be my skimmer as recommended by many of you I am looking at the Aquamedic Blue1000.
@ Wickedfrags - what RO/DI unit would you recommend for say around $300 less is good if you know of an adequate unit.
@Murminator - I am not sure how much rock I have in poundage. I am attaching pics though dont laugh I haven't perfected aquarium photography

Also the substrate is pebble sized crushed coral. Which I know is part of the problem, when I vacuum certain areas I can rarely see the bottom of the bucket.
@bean - Yes I add prime to my water changes.
I am going to give the filter housings a good rinse to make sure no sludge has been building up.
I would really like to move to a sand substrate I like the look of it way more but like all free advice on the internet the details on how to do it are mixed. Some say do it all at once, others say small amounts at a time.
I will also have to research a phosban reactor any advice concerning bio pellets? Are these something that I can run in one of the filters if at all?

