The phosphates are way too high as well.. consider a phosban reactor. I would also buy or borrow a TDS meter & test your tap water. I would use RO bottled water until you can get your own unit.
I will second getting rid of the HOB filters, or just using them to hold carbon or chemi-pure. Also check the model of skimmer to see if it is rated for your size of tank.
Not know the size of your powerheads, you might want to look at somethin better like a vortech for better flow.
I battled bad hair algae for over a year, and I am finally starting to win. I added a sump, better skimmer, a vortec, better lights. Before this time I was scrubbing rock once a week & doing 2-10gal water changes a week. this on a 30gal tank, it was bad.
Spme pictures of the tank & set-up might help us help you as well.
Last edited by toxic111; 02-22-2010 at 07:51 PM.