I thought I would give an update on the tank although there isn't much to report.
I've done a pretty good job of leaving the tank alone and letting it do it's thing. The tank seems to be going through the same odd cycle over and over again. I get diatoms they fade, I get them again, they fade ect. I'm starting to battle a bit of H/A but so far it's managable. I haven't see much in the way of coraline growth yet. But then again I haven't been too concerned with the Calc and Alk levels so far as I don't have much in the way of coral. I did throw in a few pounds of live rock to seed all the dead rock back when I started up the tank but I'm thinking the rock I bought may have been pretty void of life, I haven't seen one pod in the tank so I might have to find another nice peice to throw in there.
I still only have the four impulse buy corals. Two are doing great the other two are brown.. lol the only fish I have in the tank are the chromis I started with.