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Old 02-22-2010, 06:07 AM
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Funky_Fish14 Funky_Fish14 is offline
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Aside from Gaming (which restricts you to PC only if you really want to game), then IMO they are different but equal machines. Each has their own advantages/disadvantages.

PC's are easier to 'screw-up' for the average user/less 'stupid-move' friendly. But if you do use it correctly(Ie: not opening bad mail or visiting unknown sites, other stuff like that) then they operate fantastically. My family has been PC users forever, my Dad always upgrades the lap-top, etc... I have a 4 year old desktop that was $2K on purchase... it still runs like a champ and is still a very good/fast/reliable computer. I do however take moderate care of it (but stupid stuff can still result in problems, I have found PC's are always more vulnerable 'in their daily lives'). I love my PC desktop and would not get rid of it.

In the last few years I've also gotten in to macs. In late november I purchased a macbook pro and I am loving it. The user interface took a slight bit of getting used to but is fantastic. I mean the keyboard and desktop, window buttons, shortcuts, etc.. The computer is incredibly well-built (as mentioned by others), much better than anybody's PC laptops. It is silent, and rarely gets warm (unless I really really really push it). Even when warm, Its never uncomfortable.

The mac has many great programs out of the box and with the Iwork program installed, it is actually just fine for me as a school computer (this was the point of purchasing it, but I've found it to work just as well for my daily life, and it is fast too). Some features PC's have that it doesnt, I miss, but there is little to dislike about it. Also, mine has actually fallen 4' once, and dropped 3' another time, and it was completely unharmed.

I prefer the PC's as desktop, great workhorse, good for 'work' stuff... and the Mac is awesome as a 'daily living' computer, if that makes any sense? I personally dont like desktop macs, and I dont like PC laptops. I find the mac laptop is more convenient and I am never really working 'on the go' so it suits my needs very well.

If there is a store around you available... go get a staff member to take you through a Mac computer, and show you all the stuff about it. Play around with it for a little while. Go to the store and browse canreef on it for an hour or something. Then go check out the PC you are looking at. Using the computers (and getting someone to show you what they can do, particularly for the macs this is helpful) will be the best way to make your choice.


No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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