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Old 02-22-2010, 03:18 AM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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Originally Posted by pinhead View Post
Here's an interesting article to stir up the Mac vs. PC argument

The patent for point #1 is interesting -

but I can imagine the headlines if someone can't call 911 on their iphone because Apple is forcing you to watch one of their ads and locks up your hardware until you look at it.
Stupid article, sorry. It's kind of biased to make things look bad when they really aren't as the writer describes. Do you really believe Apple would lock you out of calling 911? They tend to be a bit smarter then that And the article says that other phone makers let you do whatever you want to. Right. Ever had a cell phone with USB connectivity disabled so you couldn't do photo transfers etc. directly to your computers so that the carriers could charge you for sending them etc.?

Originally Posted by Crytone View Post
What I don't understand about Apple is they have no problems with users running Bootcamp, VMware, Parallels, etc.. to be able to install a Windows operating system on an Apple. BUT they are adamantly against anyone installing their OSX on anything but Macs. How is that playing fair?!
Steve jobs is a perfectionist and he feels that strictly controlling the hardware and software combination ensures the user experience they want and avoids both the nescesity of supporting umpteen hardware configurations and also the possibility of problems and issues due to strange hardware configurations. For a few peoeple who like to pimp their own computer or fiddle with hardware etc that may be a problem and you may not agree with it but for the vast majority having something that just works without having to worry about whether your hardware is supported or compatible with everything else you want to install is better. I think the only reason they let you run Windows in one way or another is to help convert Windows users over so they can still run Windows apps if they want or need to. Sell more Macs that way. One computer to rule them all
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