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Old 02-21-2010, 09:41 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 943
dsaundry is on a distinguished road

How about some modifications for the next winter olympic's? Full contact curling? Roller derby rules for the short track speed skating?? Figure skating with the politics out of it?? Let the women ski jump! And finally have the ticket scalpers and huge corporations that bought out and overpriced all the tickets put in bobsleds that go off a cliff somewhere, so that regular people have a chance at tickets.As for the weather, Cypress was the only one really hit hard and they still did ok., Weather here is fantastic and nobody could have predicted these warm temps 4 years ago. As for the Georgian athlete, hindsight is 20/20, nobody could have seen that and it's amazing at those speeds there haven't been more fatalities. Opening ceremonies were a bit long, but overall entertaining even with the few faults. Seeing the Australian mens mogul athlete pouting was hilarious, he can go back to Australia and sulk there. Well he's worth millions so I don't feel sorry for him at all, What an A$$clown! As for all the nay sayers about the Olympics, this isn't the worst olympics and the spin offs should pay off in the long run. no point blaming the politicians, it's over and done with. The games are here and thats all. Could the money have gone somewhere else, you betcha, but we all vote the politicians in so stop crying about it. Time to move forward, cheer on your country and have a great time doing it....
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