We bought a mac mini this Christmas and I have to say I love my Mac! It is so much more user friendly, I don't know much about computers, so it helps that every app comes with step by step instructions on how to use it. I also find it runs a lot faster. It takes hardly any time at all to boot up/restart it and I find all the web pages load a lot faster then my PC did. Plus I don't have to run anti-virus software, and the programs/apps the Mac come with are really cool.
There is this app that is a picture of a red chair and it's called "front row" I can click on it and it shows me any movie trailer that I'd like to see and it shows me what is playing in the movie theaters close to me. There is also an app called "dashboard" and at any time you can click on it and (I set mine to have) a calender, clock, calculator, and the weather pop up on the screen just over top (sort of see through like) of your current screen.
The mac just makes everything easier for me to use and more convenient too. My name is Laurie and I'm a Mac!

and honestly I'll never go back