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Old 02-19-2010, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
Ok, just a disclaimer, this isn't a response to anyone here. More just a bit of a rant after reading some stupid article in the paper this morning.

You know, I gotta say... people just really like to bitch and find fault in everything. Aside from the luge incident, most of these problems are pretty minor in the big picture and many, the media especially, are losing sight of that. I used to be an event planner so I know what kind of crazy crap happens that you don't expect and I have to say that the organizers are doing a pretty good job at taking it in stride. Yeah, ok... they could have made a few better calls here and there but overall they're doing well.

I want to meet the guy who was able to reprogram that whole set-up to run with three arms in 30 seconds and give him a high-five and a case of beer. In show business, s*** happens but the show must go on.

So what if they had to cancel some tickets for Cypress, this isn't the first time that has had to happen for an Olympic venue. And this was done for safety reasons! I saw the standing area the other day and it wasn't looking to pretty. This was a smart call on Vanoc's behalf.

The luge incident is very tragic but it could not have been predicted. I agree that a safety wall would have been good there in the first place, though a rider coming out of the track at that part of the course is just... unbelievable. I was shocked. That was a freak accident. I feel absolutely terrible for him, his family and friends. I must say though he did make a mistake that lead to what happened. I say this not to point the finger elsewhere but more to the point that there were many factors that went it this other than some murderous sliding track that is appeased by death and destruction like it being made out to be.

One of my friends is on the Canadian Sliding team (He better win a gold!) and he said that though the track was a bit crazy he nad many of the riders actually enjoyed it as it IS challenging. He said that sliders are speed-freaks and the faster track was cool to them. He said that when you see the best of the best finding a course challenging (our track isn't the only fast one in the world by the way) it changes the dynamics of the competition. I only tell you guys this just so you can hear the other perspective rather than the one-sided story we usually get told.

And this... this really irks me. Media in London is trash-talking our Olympics, calling them the worst ever... and they are blaming us for all the things that are weather related! First of all, I think it's bad taste that an upcoming host city is bad mouthing the current host. Second of all, I have to apologize to London that we did not sacrifice enough goats to the snow god and that our wizard called in sick, so we couldn't make the weather perfect. Our bad London, our bad. I gotta say it, but when I look outside right now...

I think we are having a better summer Olympics than London will!

Ranting aside, anyone see Sean White's last run in the half-pipe? Holy S***! Dude is like Superman on a snowboard.

Later folks, I'm off to go have FUN at the Olympics!
I totally agree with you Kevin!
This city is not a mess AT has been a lot of fun since the Olympics started. It is awesome so see all the people from different countries and the amazing energy that they have brought to this city.

If you don't like the games then stay away and stop bitching.
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