I play hookey, take an extended lunch break, work from home, take a sick day or a vacation day depending on circumstances at the time.
Having said that, I have had a couple orders from J&L arrive on a Saturday without incident. They have the shipping down to a science with Air Canada.
But weekends can also be dicey. I had a shipment once come in from Winnipeg via Westjet and due to arrive midday Sunday. The shipment got bumped flights three times and the last one bumped it past 6pm when the cargo office closed. The guy was all "Well, you can come get your box in the morning, or you could pay me $300 to pay my staff overtime and stay open." I was floored, I was pretty sure my fish would be dead if left to morning and I didn't know what to do. Turns out a family had their dog coming in on that flight too and they ended up paying the fee so I got real lucky that time. So if you're going with someone else besides J&L, find out what airline they'll be using, and then check the cargo hours for that airline. Make sure there's a HUGE buffer of operational hours after the flight is due to arrive. Air Canada is something like 6am to 11pm 7 days per week, but Westjet is not (or was not, when I did this. To be fair, it was quite a few years ago now.)
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!