Originally Posted by hw
i have a brand new bucket of the stuff as well from jl 
I purchased a new bucket of IO from J&L recently as well. There has been no problem. I wouldn't be too worried, but . . .
I am aware of some friends of mine that purchased a bucket of IO over a year ago from a different retailer in the Lower Mainland and the new salt water mixed cloudy as well. They used the water 24hrs later and proceeded to watch their 135 gallon reef crash. They lost clams, sps, LPS and some fish. This happened to them at least a year ago.
I ran into a bad batch of IO in 50 gallon bag back in the early nineties. The water again turned cloudy and all heck broke loose in the tank.
But I am not overly worried about IO. If the salt water mixes clear you should be fine. If it doesn't then take the appropriate measures of testing the salt water and/or returning the salt to the retailer.