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Old 02-18-2010, 02:50 PM
spikehs spikehs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Calgary
Posts: 848
spikehs is on a distinguished road
Default Cracked 15g acrylic cube FS (calgary)

This is the original tank that I had ordered, that came cracked. It has a fairly big crack on the side/back so it might take a bit of work to repair it. I doubt if it'd be display tank worthy after, but would make for a great hospital tank / frag tank / fuge etc. Dimensions are 16x16x14. Has a fuge/overflow on the back.

Zero idea what to ask for this, so I'll just leave it as a flat OBO, willing to accept trades for livestock / equipment.

Livestock i'd be looking at cleanup critters, or a nice frag or two.
Equipment wise, probably a doser or nano skmmer.

Any questions let me know. Sorry for the sideways pics, i'll see if I can fix that later on. Should give you a general idea though.

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