Thread: Hair Algae prob
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Old 10-10-2003, 11:02 PM
Stretch Stretch is offline
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Default Re: Hair Algae prob

Originally Posted by dekay

1) get a Lettuce Nudibranch
2) manual removal
3) dump that specific piece of LR (pretty small, little bigger than a fist)
4) get another kind of invertibrate/fish that'll eat it.

1.Lettuce Nudi will only eat Bryopsis, is my understanding and when i had mine they would'nt even eat that.
2. Hard work, and you can't get all of it, Best method for me was to scrub every rock hard, and then i got luck with a yellow tang which eats the suff.
3. If its in your tank, dumping that piece of liverock will probably do nothing but spread to other ares of the tank
4. I've heard of many things that will eat the stuff, it's really hit or miss with them, I however got lucky, I didn't really hope my yellow tang would eat it, but it did. I just bought it because i been wanting a yellow tang for awhile
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