Sorry to hear about the hair algae problem. I fought the stuff for several months and finally won. My tank has been hair algae free for 3 months now.
The way that I succeeded was to remove half of the rock and scrub it with a toothbrush in a bucket of tank water to remove all of the algae that I could. I then quarantined this half of the rock for a couple of weeks in a separate tank with no light. Then I returned the clean rock to the tank while repeating the process on the second half of the rock. I have only a 33g tank with 25 lbs of LR and no coral at the time, I don't know if this is a viable option or not, but I thought that I would suggest it. It worked for me, but I am sure that there will be many differing opinions.
I have since added some macroalgae to my system, and the hair algae has not returned (knock on wood).