Thread: Coral & stuff
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Old 10-10-2003, 06:46 AM
Mak Mak is offline
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Surrey
Posts: 479
Mak is on a distinguished road
Default Coral & stuff

I'm taking down a tank so I have a few things:

3" Mantis Shrimp (Gonodactylus Smithi) He has lived peacefully w/ fish(Chromis, clowns and a Neon Dottyback) and Coral for roughly 10 months. $25
Green Purple rimmed cap $10
Burgundy Cap w/ purple polyps $10
nice small toadstool $10
2 Chromis $5
Silver Gorgonian frag $10
Pink Sinulara $10

Might have a couple more things and freebies.
One Reef to rule them all, One Reef to find them, One Reef to bring them all and in the Depths bind them.
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