FS: 180 gallon setup
Ok i was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and had my first chemo session on friday the 13,2010.
I realized over the weekend i'm going to be to sick to continue cultivating this amazing hobby.
I am asking for you guys to help me find someone to buy my tank from me, i hate to give it up but it's not fair to the live stock.
I have a 180 gallon tank, with a 75 gallon sump, 72" corallife Mh light, skimmer, heaters, pumps, mixing big brute garbage can, 2 buckets salt, 140 lbs of live rock, 1 bubble tip anemone, a big white anemone, sun coral frag, hammer coral frag, fan worm, elephant ear mushroom. 6 turbo snails, 2 pepper mint shrimp, pom pom crab, 2 sandsifting sea stars. Yellow tang, coral beauty,4 chromis. And 2 paid for clown fish breeding pair to be picked up.
Rock is really nice many peicies with coraline on it, also have 2 corelia 3 power heads.
I paid $1100.00 for tank sump and pumps, put $100 into plumbing it, bought live rock for about $700, bought 2 power heads $70 each, anemone for $90.00, fish $40. Live sand and salt 450.00, MH-450.00, skimmer 120.00, heater 80.
Not a long established tank but one that seems to be thriving.
Asking someone to take it off my hands
$3000.00 obo
Pm me for more info, my link has photos of my setup, and my signature has more details.
180 gallon reef tank with 80 gallon sump, 2 External overflow boxes ,3 drilled returns,Vertex 100 skimmer, Jager 250 watt heater, Stealth titanium 150 watt heater, 3-500 GPH return Aqua Globe pumps and 2 corelia power heads
My tank so far