Originally Posted by azulikit
Ya Grizz I have been looking at these today. I think this is what I will get. There actually a store in Calgary selling them between 230.00 and 240.00. They have had good success with them they tell me. Change out the bulbs and I think you have a decent T5 set-up for a small area. Any ideas on what bulbs to buy? What did you end up paying delivered with duty?
Just ordered them the other day but I got all four (one case = 4 light's) for $480 usd including shipping. Not sure what the duty will be but I am fairly sure it will be under $50. They come with Actinics and 12,000K so I will probably go with 2 actinic's, 2 12,000K, 2 15,000K and 2 20,000K per side of my 8' tank. Brand wise more them likly KZ's.