FS large fish around 4"-8" LIST UP DATED!
Time to rehome some of my friends to bigger diggs. My 90's are to small. They need room to swim.
Yellow Tangs 4-5". Have 2 $60.00 each
Regel (Hippo) AKA dorie Tangs
1 - 6-7" Gone!
1 - 3-4" Gone!
Sohal Tang 3-4" SOLD!
Fox Face 4-5" $60.00
Virgate Rabbitfish (Bar-Head Spinefoot) 5-6" $100.00
Enperor Angelfish 5-6" $300.00
Does not nip at coral.
These fish will grow larger. Larger the tank the better.
All of the things that I have lost in my life. The one thing that I miss the most is my mind!
Last edited by ALBERTA REEF; 06-05-2010 at 12:14 AM.