Originally Posted by bvlester
sorry to hear that Laurie. you may have an agressor in the tank that would be the only thing that I can think of the would make a lizard blenny jomp out of the tank....You may have to watch carfuly for a bit to figure it outwhick one it is. sorry to bring this up but didn't one of your tangs go missing awhile ago. I think you have a hunter in that tank of yours. now all you need todo is figure out which one it is. some times it takes time and you have to put 2+2 together to figure things out.
Ya that's the weird thing, I watch my tanks a lot and my aggressive fish (towards larger fish) is my regal tang and he never picked on my Naso Tang (that's the fish that went missing a while ago) but somehow the Naso did just up and vanish.
I know the lizard blenny jumped because I found his body on the floor, but of all my little fish in that tank he was the most aggressive, and would sometimes chase the others around. None of my other little fish or bigger ones ever picked on him. So not really sure what could of made him jump, only thing I can think of was maybe my cat was tapping on the glass with her paw and spooked him or something. However she has done that before and it didn't spook him in the past.