I have been bringing the lights back for refunds, the last one was $34, crazy price for a light. I can't get more at that store as I did it twice already. The other chain in Red Deer don't have any in the size I need so now I have to check out Calgary on the weekend. Then I'll have to see what's going on with the fixture but the lighting area is so darn hard to access....big tank, little person, lol.
Could condensation from the water be making the bulbs burn out as they are getting wet? Could that be a possibility?
120Gal South American
2 Red Parrots, 1 Lutino Oscar, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Jewel, 1 Port, 4 Cobalt Blues, 2 Convicts, 1 Sailfin Pleco, 1 Pictus Catfish
25Gal Brackish
1 Green Spotted Puffer
Snail breeder
"Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant." - Unknown