I wish I had known this problem in advance or I wouldn't have purchased it. It was exactly what I was looking for as far as looks but I'm starting to think I made a huge mistake.
I bought the tank used so I doubt there will be any warranty. It will be difficult to bring the canopy to the store as I live 2 hours away. I called last night and the person I need to speak with is out of town for the next 3 weeks.
Thanks for moving the thread for me Doug.
120Gal South American
2 Red Parrots, 1 Lutino Oscar, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Jewel, 1 Port, 4 Cobalt Blues, 2 Convicts, 1 Sailfin Pleco, 1 Pictus Catfish
25Gal Brackish
1 Green Spotted Puffer
Snail breeder
"Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant." - Unknown