Originally Posted by Starry
I just stated dosing 2 part the other day, and now I fear my clam is on its way out. Also the deep water acro right beside it is burnt on 1 side. Both are in the path of my return from the sump where I add the 2 part. I used Randys 2 part recipe except I used Kents turbo calcium (-20% as recomended), and Arm & Hammer BS baked 1hr at 300. My guess is that the calcium is the culprit.
The clam is spewing white slime and is "gaping"...think it's a gonner?
I am pretty sure the Kent Turbo Calcium might have something to do with it; although, I cannot be sure. Make sure the two parts are dosed into a sump and have plenty of time to dilute before they make it to the display, also do not does all at once, break up the dosages if possible to multiple times per day.
Hope your situation improves.