02-09-2010, 07:32 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: (Close to) Millet, Alberta
Posts: 1,153
Originally Posted by justinl
Anybody have a link or the title of the paper that spshelps is referring to? I'm just curious about the DNA tracking methods used... and frankly a little dubious. I'm no genetics guru myself, but I can't imagine any way to accomplish such a thing unless the 6-8 fish in question had had tissue samples taken from them and preserved (not likely unless they were originally experimental subjects). This would of course also require the samples to be available to the researchers (not impossible, assuming they were from a public aquarium), that the researchers were aware of the samples, and that the researchers had independent tissue samples of other fish to compare. Seems like too much of a miracle scenario to me.
edit: a quick literature search turns up not much. far as I can tell, the exact origin is still a mystery though the aquarium trade is getting most of the speculative blame.
Totally agree with this.
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!