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Old 02-09-2010, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Eb0la11 View Post
Thanks Chin Lee,

I think we'll still get the galaxy coral and be sure to give it plenty of room. We have a large area already put aside for one

I'll have to look into the corals you mentioned. We also have a GBTA I forgot to mention but a RBTA would be a nice addition for sure.

So am I ok to mix different types though?
You can mix different types of corals just fine so long as you pay close attention to their different requirements and nuances. Each coral is unique even among its own species. Some like more light than others, some like more flow, some like more feeding, some sting more, less, etc. In the end it really is a crap shoot and there is a lot of trial and error with how things go into a "mixed reef". You can certainly keep all the specimens that you listed but again, you just need to play around with them a bit. Don't put Coral A too close to Coral B because A will sting B will sting C will sting F, etc.. etc.. A "mixed reef" is really an epic battle ground where chemical warfare is waged among the different corals and you as the hobbyist have to play the peace broker :-)

For what its worth, aside from the galaxy coral, I have all of the other corals that you listed in my 150g and they are doing fine :-)
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