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Old 02-09-2010, 07:27 AM
Eb0la11 Eb0la11 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Calgary, SE
Posts: 472
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Default Coral Selection?

Hey guys,

so I'm just now starting to get my parameters in check to really start caring for some cool corals, or so I hope.

I'm trying to decide what types of corals to put in my tank, but I just wanted a little more general information on some things.

I have that ability to keep a wide range of corals, SPS included since I have 250W MHs and also 96W actinics, but I am just not sure if I am not mashing a bunch of corals together that dont work together.

I had a large colony of xenia parish on me as well as my colt coral and I can't seem to figure out why. Everything else is actually starting to do quite well aside from them now that I have started practicing good husbandry and measuring my parameters and dosing.

Right now I have the following corals:

Hammer Coral
Green Digitata
Red Monti Cap
Green Monti Cap
Candy Cane Coral
Zoas (3-4 different types)

and, before they perished, the aforementioned pulsing xenia and colt coral.

So am I mixing corals that shouldnt be kept together?

Im thinking of adding some of, if not eventually all of, the following:

Duncan Coral
Mushrooms (definitely some ricordea and perhaps so other ones maybe hairy or green striped or something)
Sun Coral
Galaxy Coral

I dunno what else, really. But what do you guys think?

Should I really be choosing between SPS, LPS or softies and stick to just one type, or how does it work?

This is a question I feel I shoulda asked way earlier, but too late now haha. Thanks for the replies.
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